Signal Processing & Artificial-intelligence (SPA) Laboratory
1. Perception for intelligent vehicles and mobile robots
LiDAR, camera, Radar based 3D object detection
Sensor fusion-based perception
Object tracking and video object detection
Understanding trajectory and behavior of dynamic agents
Human action recognition and detection
2. Advanced machine learning and signal processing
Active learning, noisy labeling, data imbalance problem
Semi-supervised learning, semi-supervised object detection
Inverse problem, super resolution algorithms
Lidar/Camera signal processing
Signal processing and machine learning for 5G/6G communications
Camera-Lidar sensor fusion 3D-CVF (trained not to detect truck or van) (ECCV 2020), code available:
KITTI 3D object detection leaderboard (ranked 4th as of March 2020)
Joint 3D object detection and tracking (AAAI 2022)
Vedeo object detection (ICRA 2021)
3D object detection and tracking (trained not to detect truck or van)
LaPred Lane-aware trajectory prediction (CVPR 2021)
Vehicle trajectory prediction (IV2008)
Action detection on AVA dataset
Multimodal Human Action Recognition